Ministry Highlights (List)
(Word/Worship on Wednesday)
Saint James “WOW” (Word/Worship on Wednesday) will resume next Wednesday, January 8, 2020, with Community Bible Study at 11:00 AM and Worship at 12:00 PM (Noon). Please help us to spread the word!
Women’s Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study will resume Tuesday, January 7, 2020, at 6:30 PM in the Sanctuary. All Women and young ladies are invited to participate. We wish you and your family a very Happy New Year!
Make Disciples, Build Families and Meet Needs
To all tithers, contributors, and partners of Saint James! As we approach the end of this fiscal year, as the undershepherd” of this phenomenal ministry, I want to personally thank you for investing in the kingdom of God called Saint James. Your contributions have made it possible for us to, “Make Disciples, Build Families and Meet Needs.” If you feel called by God to invest further in the ministry of Saint James through an “End of the Year Thank Offering,” (above your tithe & offering) please consider doing so. If you are looking to make a contribution to a non-profit for tax purposes, please consider Saint James. Your gift will help us to go beyond our yearly expectations and demonstrate to God how thankful you are for God’s continued blessings. Thank you in advance for helping us exceed expectations.
Saint James Quarterly Mass Baptism and Rededication Experience
Saint James Quarterly Mass Baptism and Rededication Experience is scheduled for Sunday, January 19, 2020. All baptism candidates must complete an orientation session in order to participate in the baptism celebration. Orientation classes are scheduled for Sundays, January 5 and 12, 2020, in the Upper Dining Hall after the 11:00 AM worship experience. For more information, please see or contact Sis. Barbara Carter at 973-622-1344, Ext. 116 or bcarter@stjamesame.org.
Dirt to Destiny Capital Campaign
The Saint James “Dirt to Destiny” (D2D) Capital Campaign is approaching the end of its third year. Through the Capital Campaign, Saint James has been able to purchase the necessary property/land needed for construction without obtaining a loan. The campaign will also provide a tremendous boost in the pre-development cost associated with the vision. Pastor Slaughter is strongly encouraging all members to make a pledge in 2019 toward the capital campaign. If you can pledge $5, $10, $15, $20 a week or per month, it will help the capital campaign tremendously. If you need a pledge card, please look in the back of your pew, contact the church office, or complete the form online by logging onto ww.experiencesaintjames.com. When making contributions to the capital campaign, please write it on your envelope or on the designated line of your envelope. Remember Acts 5:39. We believe God!
Men’s Bible Study
Men’s Bible Study is held on Saturdays at 8:00 AM in the Upper Dining Hall, All men and young men are invited to participate.
Text to Give
Did you know that you could text your tithe or offering to Saint James? Take advantage of Saint James’ “Text to Give,” by texting your contribution to: 973-878-0759. In the message section, type the amount you would like to give. For example: $100.00 and then hit send. This makes giving simple, secure, and convenient. Remember, the Lord loves a cheerful giver.