Administrative Staff

Executive Staff:

Rev. Dr. Ronald L. Slaughter, I


The Office of the Pastor and CEO

The Pastor/CEO of Saint James AME Church is responsible for overseeing the operations and daily administration of the largest African Methodist Episcopal Church in the State of New Jersey.

The Executive Assistant assists in maintaining order in the operations, ministry, and administrative aspects of the Pastor/CEO, while managing the administrative workflow of the Pastor/CEO’s top three areas of priority: preaching/teaching preparation, leadership, and pastoral care.

Sis. Alison L. Nettles,

Executive Assistant to Pastor Ronald L. Slaughter


973-622-1344, Ext. 114

Managerial Staff:

Business Manager

The Business Manager is responsible for achieving the church’s financial goals.  The Business Manager is responsible for reporting accurate information about the church’s financial performance in a timely manner.  The Business Manager must ensure that record-keeping and financial reporting procedures are compliant with all regulations that apply to the church entity.

Business Manager

973-622-1344, Ext. 119

Office Manager

The Office Manager is responsible for managing the administrative and clerical operations of Saint James in addition to handling the ever-changing needs of this thriving congregation as well. The Office Manager is also committed to supporting the vision and mission of the church by continually upgrading the level of services provided to members, partners, friends, and visitors.

Sis. Marcia Jeter,

Office Manager

973-622-1344, Ext. 124

Facilities Manager/Maintenance Operations

The Maintenance Staff, under the direction of our Facilities Manager, repairs, maintains, cleans, and at times secures the church’s properties. The maintenance staff works diligently to support the ministries of the church by preparing the facilities for worship and ministry activities.

Facilities Manager
973-622-1344, Ext. 116

(Bro. John Sweeney, Maintenance)


Marketing and Communications Specialist

Rev. Kim Irby

Data Management Specialist (Contributions and Membership Database)

973-622-1344, Ext. 111

Sis. Phyllis Ossai

Media Specialist (Live-streaming and archival of worship experiences and special events)

973-622-1344, Ext. 118